Generic Mobile

Generic Mobile overview of functions

  1. Overview
  2. Buttons on the map panel
  3. Functions within the application
  4. Touch Gestures
  5. Menu and Additional buttons


Sign in using your username and password 


Once logged in, the layers selected in the default workspace will display.  In this example the active workspace is named "installations" and you are ready to access properties using the search button. image-png-Aug-31-2022-12-56-37-47-PM


(Should you need more information about the menu image-png-Aug-31-2022-12-57-10-64-PM and additional functions image-png-Aug-31-2022-12-58-47-74-PM click here.)

Buttons on the map panel

Data Grid

This opens up the active layer’s data / attribute table. When clicking on a record the app will zoom to that selected feature.

In edit mode the user can edit the data in this grid.


Manage Layers (Layers, Active Layers, Base Map, Workspaces)

This opens up the Layer Control menu. Options available:

  • Layers: Select the layers that you want to be viewable. (Changing the Visible Layers
     · Tap the Manage Layers icon with one finger.
     · Select Layers from the menu that pops up by tapping on it with one finger.
     · Open the subheadings by tapping on it.
     · Select the Layers that you would like to display by tapping on the checkboxes at the right of your screen.  · A blue tick should appear.
     · Once you are finished, tap the Next button in the bottom right of your screen.)
  • Active Layer: Select the layer that you would like to be selectable/editable. (Changing the Active Layers
     · Only Active Layers can be selected and interrogated to view and edit attribute information.
     · Tap the Manage Layers icon with one finger.
     · Select Active Layer from the menu that pops up by tapping on it with one finger.
     · Select the layer that you would like to make the Active Layer by tapping on it with one finger.
     · Tap the Next button in the bottom right of your screen.
     · Choose the Template that you would like to use for editing your Active Layer. (Please note, this is only available for layers that can be edited by the user.)
  • Base Map: Select the raster base layer that you would like to be viewable. (Changing the Base Layer
     · Tap the Manage Layers icon with one finger.
     · Select Base Layer from the menu that pops up by tapping on it with one finger.
     · Select the Base Layer that you would like to display.)

Follow-Me Mode Off/On

Switch the GPS tracking On/Off.

ON - GPS tracking is engaged, and the location of the mobile device (if available) will be displayed in the center of the screen, with the view changing as the mobile device moves.

Follow me enabled.

OFF - GPS tracking is not engaged, and the map can be moved around freely.

Follow me disabled.

Object Attribute Information

Tapping this icon displays the attribute data of the selected spatial object (e.g. pole, property). Within Info, under the Attributes tab the property information is displayed and under the Attachment tab, for example, photos are displayed, 



Edit Spatial Feature (Create, Edit, Move, or Delete an object)

Tapping this icon opens the Spatial Edit menu. The following options are available:

  • New Object: Create a new spatial point object. 
  • Edit Object: Edit the attributes of a point object.
  • Delete Object: Delete a spatial object.
  • Move Object: Move a spatial object. 

Navigating (Route to the selected object)

Tapping this icon opens Google Maps to navigate to the selected object.


  • Functions within the application:

Position of New Spatial Object

This icon displays in the center of the screen when creating or moving a spatial object, to indicate the new position of the object. 

Add Attachment to Selected Spatial Object

Attachment are files or photos.

Tapping this icon allows users to view, add or delete attachments to spatial objects.

It also engages the device camera, to allow for a photo to be taken and added as an attachment to the selected spatial object. 


  • Touch Gestures:

Zoom In

Use the pinch-out gesture to zoom in. 

Zoom Out

Use the pinch-in gesture to zoom out. 

Panning the Map

Hold down your finger on the map and drag it across the screen to pan the map. 

Selecting functions

Select icons and menu options in the app by tapping on it once with a single finger. 

Swipe Left

To view attribute data tap and hold down a single finger and move it across the screen from right to left. 

Swipe Right     

To view attribute data tap and hold down a single finger and move it across the screen from left to right.

Buttons on the interface 




This opens up the menu on devices with a dedicated menu button, such as

  • installations
    • Select your active workspace, which is basically a collection of layers available. (Changing the active workspace: 
       · Tap the Manage Layers icon with one finger.
       · Select Workspaces from the menu that pops up by tapping on it with one finger.
       · Select the Workspace that you would like to activate. Tap Done.) 
  • Settings
  • Logout


The name of the current active workspace is displayed above the map window 

Search (Street Address)

This opens up the Search menu. Options available:

a. Search Address: by entering its street address or house number.   

b. click on the map to select a property                                                                    c. use the coordinates to zoom to a property


  • Sort order – select sort order
  • Filter – filter on certain predefine columns.
  • Edit Template – Select which edit template to use for editing