How do I search for a suburb, city or town?

Use the search drop-down list options to easily go to the centre of a suburb, city or town.

Select "Suburb" or "City or Town" from the drop-down list next to "Search:".
Type in the name of the suburb, city or town that you are searching for and press Enter on your keyboard.

City or Town search example

city and town

Suburb search example



  • When the City or Town search option is selected,
    • a city or town name in the search bar will return a city or town as results, but
    • a suburb name in the search bar will not return any results.
  • When the Suburb search option is selected,
    • a city or town name in the search bar will return all suburbs in that city or town as results, and
    • a suburb name in the search bar will return that suburb in the results.