
"THE ADMINISTRATOR" Records Management and Distribution System - online application

What's available in this Article:

  1. Video-Levels of Access Overview (5)
  2. Video-Signing in (3:45)
  3. Video-Changing your password(1)
  4. Video-Managing your tasks (12:14)
  5. Video-Capture-Resolutions (10:57)
  6. Video-How to view and download the image of a record (1:28)
  7. Video-Import-Emails (3:04)
  8. Video - Diarising-Future-Tasks (2:04)
  9. Example of the "task" email which Quidity sends out
  10. Quick Guide for End Users - 2 page list of functions and where to find them

Video - Levels of User Access: An Overview


Video - Signing in to The Administrator


"How to search" is covered in video 2 "Signing in" using the File Plan as an example. (Time mark 2:00)


Video - Changing your Password


Video - Managing your Tasks: 

Reassigning, Completing, Managing & Reporting on Tasks


Records originate from Registry (or Committees, or other department sources), for staff to Re-assign, Complete, Manage, and Report on Progress. Video includes an overview of how departments can see their progress and produce reports selectively, by Date Range, Department, and staff members.

Video - How to Capture Resolutions (A process carried out by Committees Office Staff)


Video - How to view and download the image of the record


Video - How to Import emails

(A process carried out by Records Office Staff)



Video - Diarising Future Tasks

(Used primarily by Records Office Staff)



9. An example of the task email which Quidity sends out:

When a task is created or re-assigned in The Administrator, the sender has the option to send an email as well to the recipient. This will then appear in the external email of the recipient looking something like this:


It gives the basic details of the task, and encourages the recipient to access the content of the record within the Administrator app, by providing a link which will take them directly to the sign-in screen. That way, all activity would then be recorded in the Registry and accessible to any other staff who would need to know what is being done compared with the recipient just dealing with it via their own email account.


10. Quick Guide for End Users -  how to access the Menu functions


Log in with username = your email and password assigned to you.


Inbox, Sent Tasks, Completed Tasks and All Tasks have similar functions


Sent Tasks

Completed Tasks

All Tasks


Tasks>Sent Tasks>Search



Tasks> Inbox>Details

Tasks>Sent Tasks>Details



Tasks> Inbox>View Image

Tasks>Sent Tasks>View Image

Tasks>Completed>View Image

Tasks>All>View Image

Tasks> Inbox>Reassign

Tasks>Sent Tasks>Reassign



Tasks> Inbox >Create report

Tasks>Sent Items>Create report

Tasks>Completed>Create Report

Tasks>All>Create Report


SEARCH: - Input selection criteria - any combination of Record ID: Subject: Assigned By: Assigned by Surname: From Organization: Activation date: Target date: Record date: Sent Date: Returned Date:

DETAILS: see (but not edit) the task details and associated record details.

VIEW IMAGE: See the image or download the document

COMPLETE: Complete tasks are no longer reported as outstanding (pending)

RE-ASSIGN: If a task requires someone else’s attention, it can be reassigned to them using the “Reassign” Button.

DIARISE: Diarise offers a way for a user to ‘park’ a task until a given future date.

COMMENT: Add additional comment to the record using the Comment button.

CREATE REPORT: Create reports of completed or pending tasks for a department, a user, a time period as required to monitor tasks. Use Search prior to Create Report to choose the tasks you want to see.  


Records are captured electronically, allocated to a Record Class (Document, Resolution etc) assigned a File Reference and made available centrally for you to search and retrieve, distribute electronically to staff as Tasks, etc.

Documents Management


Resolutions Management

Resolutions are held as a separate class of records and are generally UPLOADED using the Batch process. They can be edited viewed and managed on this grid.


Complaints Management


Contracts Management




Files>Pile Plan


Files>File Volumes



MY DETAILS To change your Password or personal details. If you have forgotten your password, contact Records department to reset your password.

Utilities>My Details

USER GROUPS Creating groups simplifies the assignment process –

maintain groups of users to whom you regularly re-assign tasks.

Utilities>User Groups



Create reports of completed or pending tasks for a department, a user, or a time period as required to monitor tasks. Use Search before you Create Report, to choose the tasks you want in the report.

Reports>Tasks per User (Complete)

Reports>Tasks per User (Pending)

Records>Tasks per User()>Search

A Search can be done on any combination of Record ID: Assigned To: Department Code: Activation Date: Target Date: Completion Date


Tables and Dropdown Boxes

Throughout The Administrator some fields are presented with a grey box to the right of the field containing a down-arrow. Clicking on this “dropdown box” will display the permissible options for that field from which you need to choose. This both simplifies the input process and ensures data consistency. These input alternatives are maintained here by Records Dept. You can view the following:

Administration>Job Titles
